

Objective: One of the key promotional elements of Leonidas is the sampling of their products across Belgium and France. There was a need for an application that would allow them to plan and manage who, when, and where the activities would be conducted.

Solution: Develop a customized Software as a Service (SaaS) application that allowed Leonidas to optimize their campaign workflow from their headquarters. They could select: sampling locations across Belgium and France, target customers, items to sample at each location, and the type of displays they wanted to use. At the completion of each event, the hosting staff provided real-time updates via the app on: the number of customers engaged, the types and numbers of products distributed, and the number of promotional materials that were disseminated.

Results: Our customized application transformed a very cumbersome activity into an efficient worklflow, reducing the time-cycle for planning from weeks to one to two days. Headquarters and stores across Belgium and France received real-time reports on activities being conducted in their locality. Sales from local stores were linked to these activities and the return on investment at various locations was immediately measurable so future activities could be optimized. Many shops doubled their sales because of this well-coordinated activity.